12.    L I T E R A T U R E   on   B E L L S


 Following are details of the three books

I published since 2012 about BELL related objects and

 my collecting activities. 


  They are available via most of the known Internet

book dealers or Ebay.





 P. Tereszczuk - Sculptor of Vienna Bronzes - Revised edition 2012


ISBN No. 978-3-86386-280-0


This is the revised edition on my first documentation

of one of the most interesting sculptors of Vienna Bronzes


Peter Tereszczuk


His works of art are well-known among art lovers

of statuettes in bronze and very often in a combination with ivory.

They achieve today high prices in international auctions.


The Austrian master created between 1905 and 1925 touching

figures of charming children and beautiful country girls.


The revised edition shows with more than 250 photos

a detailed survey of the artist´s life and work and should

therefore be of special interest to the collectors of


Vienna Bronzes

Bronze and Ivory Sculptures

Table and Push Bell Buttons


Collecting Push Bells - Revised edition 2012


ISBN No. 9 78-3-86386-326-5


In a further book on bell related objects I

explore another fascinating collector´s item - the so-called




Again a topic on which little information is available.


By means of around 200 different and exclusive bell

push Buttons I demonstrate and explain the

large variety and artful interpretation of these special

successors of the traditional table bells.


A valuable documentation not only for collectors of

push bell buttons but also for those generally interested in art

objects, Vienna Bronzes, ivory and bronze sculptures.


A price indication is given as reference and reflects

the actual market situation.

 Collecting Table bells - Edition 2013


ISBN 978-3-86386-412-5 




This is a collector`s item

on which hardly any literature is available.


It shows the evolution of a small but exclusive

private collection of mainly


European Table Bells


With more than 370 different bells it is also an

excellent reference for other bell collectors.


For the art lover in general it might be interesting

to see the large variety and imagination

the known and unknown artists used when

creating these charming little objects.


After all bells are part of our existence from the

early beginning of humanity until today.